Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Once upon a Sunday, a truant girl (correction: woman [sigh]) was driving to meeting, and not even the Pura Vida of Costa Rica could stifle her road rage. On this particular Sunday, the roads were as they usually are. Typically, the shoulderless, two lane highway is glutted with the following competitors for space: families of four squeezed onto motorcycles (no joke), men riding their bicycles home from work, grannies standing off to the side hitchhiking, brave (or stupid) pedestrians meandering, staggeringly slow work trucks puttering along, oversized tourist buses that stop in the lane with little warning, cargo diesel trucks without much power and equipped with heinous sounding brakes, and finally, people like me, who are used to driving on very large freeways with plenty of space for acting out vehicular frustrations.

As I went to pass a beat up sedan in a fit of angst, for a moment I failed to absorb the ridiculousness of what I saw. However, upon reflection, I realized hyterical laughter ought to replace anything else I was feeling: a man was actually sitting IN the engine of his car, with the hood propped open, as his friends were driving it. Five seater? Oh no - this puppy easily fits six! Who actually sits INSIDE an engine?!! He probably was trying to figure out how his car was damaged from the cavernous pot holes, but I prefer to imagine he chose to sit there because of the unemcumbered view it afforded him.

I'm sorry I didn't have my camera with me, but if I'm lucky, maybe they'll be traveling in style again next week!


  1. Wow! I've seen alot of crazy things down here, but that definitely takes the cake! Hilarious!

  2. this is going to be so fun, i can't wait to hear all of your adventures.
