Saturday, June 4, 2011


Yeah, you know how I drone on and on about car problems and RTV and slow drivers and flat tires? Well this one takes all. My friend Jake took his car to RTV last week and received a big fat F with a list of "grave" problems. Before heading to Panama for a week to renew his visa, he dropped the car off at a local mechanic in Huacas. Perfect! Frolic on the island of Bocas Del Toro while your car gets a triple bypass. Well, let's just say something went seriously wrong with the anesthesiologist. The other day at meeting for service we were told some shocking news: Jake's car caught on fire while at the auto shop. The mechanic claims that while he tried to move the lever to open the hood in order to put out the fire, it broke off in his hand. No bueno. No bueno at all. So this is what poor Jake will return to:

I hope he had a really, really, really good vacation. Anyone want to send over a bicycle?

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