Monday, April 18, 2011

Memorial Mishaps

The Kingdom Hall here in Huacas is not very large, and in order to accommodate the large crowd expected for Memorial, Chris Spears had an excellent idea: find a way to televise the event for those seated outside. I'm not a teckie, but the plan went something like this: network two mac books, with the webcam of one aimed at the speaker, and the other hooked up to a projector aimed at the wall of the Hall where the outdoor seating would be arranged. The only part I needed to play was to make my computer available for the event.

Since our friend Ryan was giving the talk, my roommate Laura and I decided to attend the Spanish memorial as well as our own. Ryan told us that since the congregation was asked to take the outdoor seating and leave the Hall free for guests, we were invited to sit inside. It felt like a privilege to be seated in the second row, listening to a great memorial talk with such few distractions. Our friend done us proud. And to see the hall overflowing with students and visiting families was really encouraging.

But there was one teensy-weensy thing I forgot: my new screensaver mode. After a few minutes of non-use, photos from my personal albums alternate on the screen for a few seconds each. About two minutes after the memorial, my friend Elena (Chris's wife) came running through the hall, practically shoving Bible students out of her path, to inform me that a picture of my friend in a bathing suit had just been projected onto the wall of the Kingdom Hall. For once the expression "For the love of all that is holy" seemed appropriate. Because my friend and I attempting a mock photo shoot on the beaches of Costa Rica is anything but holy. And suddenly, all the weird, goofy, unattractive, private photos that don't even make the Facebook cut flashed through my mind. Humiliation/fear/nausea infiltrated my gut as I pondered which ones were currently being broadcast to a group of visitors. At the Hall. After the Memorial.

How DO I manage these things?!!

P.S. I am sorry Jess Flanagan. Good thing you look GREAT in a bathing suit!

P.S.S. Imagine if this doozy popped up. The most heinous self-image to date. Zoolander meets Colombo meets Grey Poupon. I can humiliate myself no further than this for your personal enjoyment. Laura made me do it. Enjoy.


  1. Hysterical, but I love it!!!!! AvaBaby aka Becky Herranen

  2. Ha ha ha ha! OMG... I got a muscle spasm laughing at the thought. "for the love of all that is holy" Bahahahahaha.....

  3. OMG Yet another classic!!!
    I can't even believe this happened to you!
    Love it!

  4. North Carolina Memorials never come with chicks in bathing suits. Lame.

  5. At the congregation in the next town east of us they used the OLD song numbers from the OLD outline. Opened with song 87, yeah look it up; no, go ahead I'll give you a moment... See the problem? They closed with song 105, yep that one has changed as well.

  6. HAHAHA!!!! That's awesome! I guess we'd have to think along the lines of the anointed being the Bride of Christ for that one to fit :)

  7. jajajjajajjjahaha is right. the zoolander grey poupon was classic, i was trying to figure out the columbo connection, but hey...throw it in, it works
    ! costa rica - crazyrica. what a funny story

  8. oh no...this is season... not cheyana, i don't know how this got switched other than that she was out my house tonight ...yikes!

  9. Side cramp from laughing. Now that's a memorial to remember

  10. I want to say how proud i'am of you, Jehovah will bless you nicole and you are so funny of course you always were keep up the hard work and the experiences coming,your sister chris

  11. That was most CLASSIC, Nicole!!!!!! Thanks for sharing.
